Friday, December 19, 2008

The 2009 Time Overthrown / Audience Inclusion Tour

Alice and I are finishing up the first book in the Conversations with Dog series, and are beginning to plan a 2009 Time Overthrown / Audience Inclusion Tour to promote the book and the CD.

As Do-ru's* we'll of course be promoting ideas like Time Overthrown, Audience Inclusion and The Now Exspirientuality in Real-Time, as we go. We'll also be sure to share Alice's One Exercise for the benefit of those interested.

Our visit to each new town will involve three aspects of what we do as Do-ru's...

1 - A SongSharing On Tour Audience Inclusion musical performance at a Community Venue such as a senior home, facility for developmentally disabled, or a hospital.

2 - A Time Overthrown / Now Exspirientuality Presentation in an intimate setting such as a spiritual bookstore, coffee shop, yoga studio or the like. 70 - 90 minutes, a mix of presentation, performance and questions

3 - A House Concert and/or an Acoustic Venue or Festival Performance.

It would be great to hear from any of you regarding places that we could potentially schedule any or all of these events in your area. Leads on spiritual/new age bookstores, studios and other gathering places is helpful - especially if you are connected with them somehow.

We're far better at finding and setting up the Community Venue shows than we are at arranging House Concerts and public venue gigs - so this is where your help is especially important, as it helps us cover costs and pay the bills!!

Questions welcome!

We look forward to hearing from you.

Best of Now, always,

Greg and Alice the Canine Messiah


* Do-ru's live the lyrics.

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